Sigils in Food Magic : Love Edition

February 2, 2021

I’ll never stop saying it, food is always the answer! It can have the power to speak the things we may be too shy to say out loud or feel too vulnerable to share but want to. It can whisper an “I Love You” or scream it without startling anyone! The power lies within you. Knowing your partner and their likes/ dislikes can make this a lot smoother when it comes to planning a meal but if you’re just starting out, you can always ask a few things and leave the rest up to chance! This can even be a great talking point and another way to get to know each other. 

my disposition is that of a possum… please don’t startle me!

Some basic questions should include allergens ( we don’t want to rush anyone to the hospital or make for uncomfortable bathroom trips!) Whether they’re into spicy food or not, dairy not a good idea? Ask about things they really don’t like and some things they do! Do we drink? You may want to pair your meal with a bottle of wine or a cocktail.  Be sure to make your courses small enough so there is room for dessert! Are we a chocolate fan? Maybe something light with fruit, have fun! 

So where’s the food Magic? Well, once you figure out some of the above, think about your dish. What is the mood we are trying to create here? ( spell work prep!) Are we going for new love, rekindling, healing, passion? Is this a meal for loved one’s or something self love related perhaps? Give this some thought so your intentions are as clear as possible. Now it’s time to select ingredients that meet your needs. Choose things that are preferably in season but I also get that some of the items for Love aren’t and that’s ok, thank goodness for the modern day grocery store! This year, I decided to make some conversation hearts with naughty phrases, sprinkled with a few appreciation one’s. 

Where does language fit in ? Food is an unspoken language,  as are many of our written languages we use for spell work. It is written in our choice of ingredients, the way we present it, who it’s for, so much can be said on a plate so let’s use that!  Here is a perfect opportunity to add power to your food magic with the use of Sigils or seals. What is a Sigil? Simply put, it is a symbol considered to have magical powers. These are created however you feel comfortable. A sentence that you break down, using a word cipher, or even an image that embodies the intention works great. When working with edible items, food markers are perfect for this. Using your favorite magical language or symbols of your choosing, create a sigil for your purpose. 

If your recipe calls for a bayleaf, write directly on it! The ink will disappear and leave no taste behind. Use a squeeze bottle for sauces in sandwiches or to garnish the plate, laying your meal over top. FInd creative ways to incorporate them in your meals or baked goods! 

 I created a Sigil years ago for  “Continued unity” , I used a food marker and put it on a cookie, then covered it with frosting, added a naughty phrase –  BOOM! Food Magic. (When I do stuff like this, I usually share the dish with my partner, but sometimes it’s aaaallll for him, so, yea) I have been out of the broom closet forever and he willingly accepts that there will be spells in food, the floor wash, laundry, the car, the closet, you name it! There are strange liquids in the fridge you can’t drink and jars full of herbs, dirt and ash, so if the ethics of this bothers you, you can always make a generalized sigil or skip it entirely!

As the years pass we all discover so much about ourselves and I know that I have always expressed myself through food and writing. My love language is quality time but also acts of service, which hasn’t changed much over the years and I try my best to show the people I love, that I do! In my own way. My partner has a similar love language which inspired a few other phrases for my conversation hearts that some of you may appreciate.  I literally put an “I appreciate you” sigil for these cookies.  Recipe will be in the next blog post ( gotta keep you coming back somehow !)

After a long day’s worth of work, a bad day or even just a blah one, I don’t have the energy to cook, so if he can’t also make a meal, he is quick to offer take out options before I get home or if I’m super late, he always gets me something to eat, even if I said I already ate. The appreciation right there, is just everything, I don’t like to be hungry ::crying emoji :: “I got take out” was the first cookie on my I appreciate you list. 

So…… I LOATHE garbage, and garbage day. I will literally do anything to never have to take it out. I’ll go so far as to plan ahead if I know my husband is going to be away. He never asks me to do it, even if he’s not feeling well ( Ugh, I’ll do it then!) or not in the mood, so for that my love, I am forever thankful!! This is why I made an “I took out the trash” one. 

Finally…. we didn’t have a washer/dryer, the family made a day of Laundry ( There was a Starbucks run , TJ Maxx for the wash cycle and home goods for the drying) We would do the dance everyone does and wondered why the fuck we have so much clothes! Now we are blessed with convenience and I do the laundry most of the time. I don’t mind it so much as it doesn’t get out of hand anymore. There are those times when he will put a load I started, into the dryer and suddenly, the rest of the laundry is washed, folded and put away. For all those times, and so many other little things you pay attention to, I appreciate you my love! 

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