The Office. Season 5 Episode 18
In the theme of lonely hearts, I recall The Office as a reference ( see previous post) and so when everyone is sitting around talking about their worst relationships, ( more of that to come for this month, no worries) they also discovered camaraderie, and community, realizing that they may be alone ( without a partner) but that didn’t mean that they didn’t have love in their lives. Friendship is one of the first loves we ever experience outside of family. I am so grateful to the people who call me friend and those that I receive in the same manner. I give myself to them completely and fully, much like I have in romantic relationships, but just like that, they aren’t always great.
I’ve lost friends over the years
some I don’t miss and others I’ll probably never forget. That’s all part of the suckyness that life brings us. The lessons we grow from, the ones that harden us. Those that teach us that through pain, you still need to leave room for those who are still there and new experiences. We have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and live.
Imbolc (click to read more about the Holiday)
is a time for renewal, or just new to wish, to hope, to dream. Life is renewed and so, this beverage was made in honor of Brigid and the Imbolc holiday. A base of black tea imbued with the fresh juice of navel and blood oranges. The color was perfect, the solar energy was here and the touch of femininity with the oranges was present. Paired with a mint and ginger syrup that brought in a delicate but perceivable fire element, the masculine energy if you will. Finally a few squeezes of lime juice, a new secret ingredient and I was off to celebrate the holiday. There was a deeper purpose for this recipe but I didn’t know it when I made it.
That’s part of the joy of Kitchen Magic, the surprises and healing it brings you.
I spent a magical evening amongst divine humans and my heart was full. I laughed, I cried and I let go. Being held in such a space, free of judgment, free of lies, free of expectations, the dying planet and free, for a second, to stop licking my own wounds and just exist. A little tough love in the sweetest of ways which was exactly what I needed. I felt the Goddess speak through those mouths and listened, carefully. I lost myself in the magic and found myself in it all the same. In the middle of all that, I asked Brigid for one simple wish.
A gift.
While I wait to see if I’ll be granted this boon, let us raise a glass to heartbreak and loss because they provide a purpose ( whatever it may be). Let us, more importantly, toast to the friends who help us shoulder our weight, and even carry some when we aren’t able. A shot of tequila for those that listen to your bs day in and day out, rooting for your happiness when you don’t have the strength to root for yourself. If you have people like that in your life, Cherish them, fight for them and return the favor.