Blog Food Sigils in Food Magic : Love Edition February 2, 2021 I’ll never stop saying it, food is always the answer! It can have the power to speak the things we may be too shy to …
Food Celebrating Beltane May 1, 2019 Beltane, one of my favorite Sabbats to celebrate love with the Goddess Freyja! Roses have been a symbol for love and sensuality through the ages …
Food Hibiscus February 5, 2019 On my list of lesser aphrodisiacs is the Hibiscus flower. Why a lesser aphrodisiac? It doesn’t get counted among the big power houses like chocolate …
Food A Recipe for Protection January 25, 2019 [/media-credit]I find myself at the end of January completely raw and totally turned around on all the ideas I had. What could have caused that…. …
Food November and the Pumpkin November 14, 2018 This year in my first outdoor garden, I planted all manner of pumpkin and squash from the summer varieties to the winter and have watched …